Sunday, April 4, 2010

for tamil translation

For tamil translation, go to following steps.
Step :1
Click settings in your below

steps2: select language option as tamil .Its shows below.

step:3 click “Save changes ”option

Friday, July 11, 2008




A mummy is simply a human being whose soft tissue has been preserved long after death. Ordinarily, when a person dies, the decomposition process reduces the body to a bare skeleton in a matter of months. The rate of decomposition is dependent on a number of factors, chiefly the nature of the surrounding environment.

the open case for the mummy of Djed Mout

In most environments, the first stages of decomposition begin within a few hours. In this initial stage, called autolysis, organs that contain digestive enzymes begin to digest themselves.

Autolysis is followed by putrefaction, the breakdown of organic matter by bacteria. In normal, temperate circumstances, putrefaction gets going about three days after death. Within a few months, the body is reduced to a skeleton. In hotter, more humid environments, this process is accelerated, because bacteria reproduce rapidly in such conditions. In colder, drier conditions, the process is slowed; because bacteria need heat and water to thrive (this is why we use refrigerator to preserve food). If the conditions are cold or dry enough, or if there isn't enough oxygen, the environment is so harsh that few bacteria can survive. In this case, the body will not fully decompose, possibly for thousands of years.


One common question about mummies is how they got such a peculiar name. The term "mummy" was applied by early Arabic travelers visiting Egypt. When the outsiders saw some mummies that had been coated with black resin material, they assumed the Egyptian embalming process involved dipping the bodies in bitumen, a dark, sticky component of tar. Based on this misconception, they dubbed the preserved bodies "mummies," after mummify, the Arabic word for bitumen.

There are many circumstances that can lead to such a mummy. In nature, bodies have been preserved in the frozen ice of glaciers, the oxygen-depleted depths of peat bogs and the arid ground of the desert. The iceman discovered in 1991 by tourists in the Italian Alps is one of the most amazing natural mummies. The 5,300-year-old corpse, found with perfectly preserved tools, died in a rocky hollow that quickly filled up with snow. Essentially, this created a natural freezer that preserved the body's tissues. This mummy has provided historians with a great deal of information about Europe's Copper Age, including representative technology, human health and tattooing practices.

In some cases, natural mummies have significantly altered our conception of history. Mummies found in China's taklimakan desert have provided several clues to the lineage of modern natives of this region. The structure of the mummies' faces shows they were of Indo-European descent. One man, who lived around 1000 B.C., has a distinctive sunray tattoo on his temple, similar to an ancient symbol for an Indo-Iranian god. This, along with other evidence preserved with the mummies, indicates that the region was settled by Indo-European traders, centuries before the Han Chinese arrived in the area.

Egyptian Mummification:

In the course of its 3,000-year run, Egyptian embalming (artificial mummification) passed through many stages. As we learned in the last section, the practice began with the natural preservation qualities of the arid desert ground. For many generations, the Egyptians buried their dead this way -- in the hot sand, with a few belongings but no casket or housing. As their concept of the afterlife evolved, the Egyptians became concerned about the comfort of their departed family members. They began covering the bodies with long wicker baskets and later with sturdy wooden boxes. Eventually, this led to fully enclosed coffins and tomb-like housings.

Ancient Egypt as we know it began about 5,000 years ago beside the River Nile in Northern Africa. The Nile floods made this land very fertile, although beyond it laid a vast area of blistering desert thought to be inhabited by demons.

Ancient Egyptian history spans thirty centuries and throughout this time the country was ruled by kings called pharaohs. The people believed that the pharaoh was a living god and so it was very important to keep him happy. The pharaohs had huge monuments built for them so that they would always be remembered. Ancient Egyptians believed in an afterlife and thought that by saying the name of a dead person, you could make them live forever. Another way to achieve immortality was to preserve the body of a person once they had died, and wrap them up in linen bandages. This process is called mummification.

a CAT scan of an Egyptian mummyOf course, with the body fully enclosed, it was not exposed to the drying properties of the sand. The fluids remained in the body; the bacteria thrived, and the flesh naturally decomposed. This left the Egyptians with a real quandary -- they didn't want to leave their loved ones completely covered in sand, but they also didn't want the bodies reduced to skeletons. To ensure survival and comfort in the afterlife, the Egyptian scientists had to figure out a way to replicate the preservative qualities of the desert.

In the early days of mummification, the embalmers concentrated mostly on keeping the body away from the elements. They wrapped it up tightly in strips of linen soaked with resin. With careful application of these bandages, the embalmers were able to create shapely forms, giving bodies the filled-out appearance of the living. These wrapped corpses were impressive to be sure, but in most cases the bandages did little to stop decomposition. Bacteria survived inside, and the body was eventually reduced to a skeleton.

Through experimentation, the Egyptians discovered that decomposition worked largely from the inside out. Bacteria collected first in the body's internal organs and moved on from there. To stop the putrefaction process, the embalmers realized, they would have to remove the internal organs. This, combined with the discovery of the natural drying agent matron, led to the famous Egyptian mummies we know today.

The science and theology of embalming continued to evolve over the years, so there is no single Egyptian ritual. But the standard practices of the New Kingdom's 18th through 20th dynasties (1570 to 1075 B.C.), an era that produced some of the

best preserved mummies, are fairly representative.

Egyptologists have determined that the mummification rituals were performed in the Red Land, a desert region removed from heavily populated areas, with easy access to the Nile River. Reason suggests that the embalmers may have worked in open tents, rather than solid structures, in order to allow proper ventilation.

Before beginning the embalming process, the Egyptians took the body to the Ibu, the "Place of Purification." In this house, they washed the body in water gathered from the Nile. This represented a sort of rebirth, as the person passed from one world into the next. Once the body was cleaned, the embalmers carried it to the Per-Nefer, the "House of Mummification," where they began the embalming process.

the mummy case of Amonred


The ancient Egyptians paid a lot of attention to the afterlife, and it's no mystery why: Life in the hot desert was extremely difficult, leading the Egyptians to dream of an idyllic world beyond death. If a person was prepared, the three spirits that compose a person -- the Ka, the Ba and the Akh -- would pass on to that world after death. In order to be comfortable in the afterlife, the spirits would need all the comforts of daily life, including food, clothing and furniture.

They would also need their old body to be preserved on Earth. The Ka, the spirit that accompanied the physical body in life, was inexorably linked to the person's corpse. If the corpse were destroyed, the spirit was destroyed along with it. Unlike the first death, this second death was final. Consequently, immortality depended on the mummification of the physical body. Now cast yourself back 3,000 years. You are a wealthy ancient Egyptian on the point of death and you want to make yourself immortal. To achieve this, you will have to go through the expensive and complicated process of becoming a mummy.


At the Per-Nefer, they laid the body out on a wooden table and prepared to remove the brain. To get into the cranium, the embalmers had to hammer a chisel through the bone of the nose. Then they inserted a long, iron hook into the skull and slowly pulled out the brain matter. Once they had removed most of the brain with the hook, they used a long spoon to scoop out any remaining bits. Finally, they rinsed the skull with water. Surprisingly, the brain was one of the few organs the Egyptians did not try to preserve. They weren't sure what it was for, but they assumed you wouldn't need it in the next world.

After they had removed the brain, the embalmers took a special blade made from obsidian (a sacred stone) and made a small incision along the left side of the body. They carefully removed the abdominal organs through this slit, setting each one aside (with the exception of the kidneys, which the Egyptians did not hold as important). After removing these organs, the embalmers cut open the diaphragm to remove the lungs. The Egyptians believed that the heart was the core of a person, the seat of emotion and the mind, so they almost always left it in the body. The other organs were washed, coated with resin, wrapped in linen strips and stored in decorative pottery. These vessels, which Egyptologists dubbed canopic jars, protected the organs for passage to the next world.

Once they removed the organs, the embalmers rinsed the empty chest cavity with palm wine, in order to purify it. Then, to maintain the body’s lifelike form, they filled the cavity with incense and other material. This kept the skin from shrinking down inside the cavity when the body was dried out. In the next section, we'll look at this drying procedure and see how the body was finally prepared for the next world.


After the embalmers removed the organs and re-stuffed the body, they laid the body down on a sloped board and covered it completely with natron powder. The Egyptians collected this powder, a mixture of sodium compounds, from the shores of Egyptian lakes in the desert west of the Nile Delta. Unlike the hot sand that dried the earliest Egyptian mummies, the salty natron absorbed moisture without severely darkening and hardening the skin.

The embalmers left the body in the powder for 35 to 40 days to allow enough time for the body to dry completely. During this waiting period, somebody had to stand guard, as the body's strong odor attracted desert scavengers. After the 40 days were finished, the body was brought to the Wabet, the "House of Purification." The embalmers removed the incense and other stuffing from the body cavity and refilled it with natron, resin-soaked linen and various other materials. In some eras, to make the desiccated body more lifelike, the embalmers also stuffed material under the skin in the arms, legs and head. When the body was fully stuffed, the embalmers sewed up the incisions and covered the skin with a resin layer in order to keep moisture out. The body was then ready for the wrapping, or bandaging, procedure.

an open case reveals mummified remains

Bandaging was a very involved process, and it typically took a week or two to complete. While the deceased was drying in the desert, his or her family gathered roughly 4,000 square feet (372 sq. meters) of linen and brought it in to the embalmers. The wealthy sometimes used material that had clothed sacred statues, while the lower classes collected old clothing and other household linen. When the linen was delivered, the embalmers selected the highest-quality material and stripped it into long "bandages" measuring 3 to 8 inches across.

The embalmers then wrapped the body in a shroud and began methodically winding the bandages around the different parts of the body. Typically, they started with the hands and feet, wrapping all of the fingers and toes individually, and then moved on to the head, arms, legs and torso. Once all the parts of the body were wrapped, the embalmers began wrapping the body as a whole. As they applied new layers, the embalmers coated the linen with hot resin material to glue the bandages in place. During this entire process, the embalmers uttered spells and laid protective amulets on the body (for protection in the next world).


The Egyptians may have bandaged their mummies for a number of different reasons:

· First, the bandages kept moisture away from the body so it would not decompose.

· Second, the wrappings let the embalmers build up the shape of the mummy, to give it a more lifelike form.

· Third, the wrappings kept everything together. Without this binding system, the fragile, desiccated mummies would likely burst or fall apart. In order for the bandages to contain the mummy effectively, they had to be wound tightly and meticulously.

After the mummy was fully wrapped, the embalmers attached a rigid cartonnage cage to the body and affixed a funerary mask to the head. This new face, which was either a likeness of the deceased or a representation of an Egyptian god, played an important role in the passage to the afterlife. It helped the spirit of the deceased find the correct body among the many Egyptian tombs.

When the mummy was completed, it was housed in a suhet, a coffin decorated to look like a person. The suhet was brought to the tomb in a procession of mourners. At the tomb, the priest, dressed as the jackal god Anubis, performed the "ceremony of the mouth," a ritual in which sacred objects were touched to the suhet's face, giving the deceased the powers of speech, sight, touch, hearing and taste in the next world. The suhet was then leaned against the wall inside the tomb, where it was sealed up with all the food, furniture and supplies that the deceased would need in the next world.


The best preserved bodies are from the middle period of Egyptian mummification. In later years, Egypt was flooded with outsiders who also wanted to be mummified in the traditional way. With this high demand, and the desire to bring in some money, the Egyptian embalmers began to pay more attention to the mummy's outer appearance than its inner preservation. Most of these rushed mummies quickly decomposed inside their ornate tombs, but the customers were none the wiser.


an elaborate sarcophagus

The ancient Egyptians are the most famous mummy-makers, but they were not the only ancient civilization, or even the first, to preserve their dead. The Chinchorro people of northern Chile developed a mummification process around 5000 B.C., some 2,000 years before the Egyptians. These mummies, the oldest in the world, are nothing like the famous Egyptian figures. The Chinchorros dismembered and disemboweled the body completely, then attached the pieces back together using straw, plant fibers and stick. They then covered this frame with black mud, which they sculpted into a human form with a face and other ornamentation.

The resulting mummies are a strange hybrid of a corpse and a statue. It's unclear what the motivation behind this practice was, but many researchers believe it did not have to do with any concept of an afterlife. The mummies show signs of wear, and even repainting, indicating they were kept in households as statues for some time before being buried. This practice indicates that the mummies were created more for the sake of the deceased's family and friends, rather than for the good of the deceased. The Chinchorro people probably kept the mummies around as a way to honor and remember the dead, to help them mourn the loss. a mummy from new guinea

Some later South American cultures also produced mummies, both by artificial and natural means. In the mountains of Peru, scientists have uncovered many Incan bodies preserved by the dry atmosphere and extremely cold temperatures. Even though the mummifying agent is completely natural, these mummies are, in a sense, man-made -- they were deliberately brought to the remote location with the understanding that the bodies would be preserved there. The Incans sacrificed children and took the bodies to these high points as an offering to their gods.

Some of the most amazing mummies have been found in China. Lady Cheng, a Chinese aristocrat who lived over 2,000 years ago, is the best-preserved ancient mummy in the world. She was laid to rest immersed in a special embalming fluid that kept her tissue relatively soft. Her body and some of her possessions were protected by a series of nested coffins housed in an airtight tomb. Chinese scientists have not studied her in detail, so they still don't know exactly how she was preserved. The embalming fluids seem to have a mercury component to them, which may have been one of the keys to her preservation.

Modern Mummies

In the 19th and 20th centuries, there was a surge of interest in the mummies of ancient Egypt. "Unravelings" were a popular form of entertainment, and people from all classes were fascinated by the beliefs and practices of the Egyptian age. One effect of this phenomenon was that some people began revisiting the idea of mummification -- with the addition of some new technology.

The most famous modern mummies are Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, the Russian revolutionist, and Eva Peron, the revered wife of Argentinean president Juan Peron. Lenin died in 1924, soon after the discovery of King Tutankhamen's tomb, which influenced the decision to preserve Lenin's body and display it at the Kremlin. The exact chemicals and procedure that keep his body perfectly preserved are a Russian secret, but we do know that the mummification is an ongoing process. The Russians periodically immerse him in a preservative bath and then dress him in a waterproof suit to hold the fluids inside.

Like Lenin, Eva Peron's body was so perfectly preserved that she appears to be alive. This was accomplished with a revolutionary embalming treatment that essentially replaced all the fluid in her body with wax. Peron and similar mummies are really a lot like the wax dummies you see in a wax museum, except, of course, that they are the actual remains of a person.

In the 1970s, a group of scientists expanded on this idea to create a process called plastination. In the complicated plastination process, all of the water and lipids in the body's cells are replaced with polymers. The body takes on the properties of plastic: It is durable, flexible, doesn't have a strong odor and, most importantly, doesn't decompose. Plastination is used to preserve body parts for anatomical research and education, but it is also used artistically. In a controversial exhibit that traveled through Europe and Asia, stripped-down, plastinated human bodies were sculpted into wild shapes and positioned in active poses. The exhibit showed all of the inner workings of the human body, in both healthy and diseased bodies.

In the future, mummification technology will surely continue to evolve. It's a good bet that a lot of this development will be in technologies designed to preserve dead bodies so they may someday be brought back to life (cryogenics, for example). Like the ancient Egyptians, many people today are shelling out a fortune for these services, in the hopes that science may someday be able to reverse whatever killed them. Remarkably, in the thousands of years since the time of the Egyptians, people are still drawn to mummification as a means of insuring immortality.


In mummy movies and mummy lore, anybody who disturbs a mummy's tomb incurs its wrath. This idea is based on the actual curses the ancient Egyptians inscribed outside their tombs. These warnings acted as ancient security systems -- they were meant to deter tomb-raiders from making off with the departed's earthly possessions. One typical curse reads, "As for anybody who shall enter this tomb in his impurity, I shall wring his neck as a bird's."

In the early 1900s, when tomb excavation had reached a fever pitch, people were fascinated with these ancient curses. The events surrounding Howard Carter's 1922 excavation of King Tutankhamen's tomb played a major part in this fascination. Supposedly, when the crew first entered the tomb, a cobra swallowed Carter's lucky canary. Within seven years, 11 members of his team had died, apparently doomed by the mummy's curse.

The German microbiologist Gotthard Kramer thinks there may be some truth to the ancient curses. Mummies were buried with food for the next world, and over time this food produced loads of mold spores. When archeologists or tomb raiders open up a tomb, these spores kick up into the air and the intruders breathe them in. Kramer discovered that some of these ancient mold spores can cause illness or even death, effectively inflicting the promised punishment inscribed on the tomb door.


A hooked instrument is used to pull the brain out of the head through your nose. Everyone who can afford it makes elaborate preparations for preserving the dead body by the complicated processes of embalming and mummification. For this you will need: False eyes can be made out of onions. As they have strong antiseptic qualities, they can also be stuffed into the body cavity.

Other parts of your body are plumped up by pushing mud into tiny cuts in your skin. All you need now are false eyes and perhaps some false hair. You are almost looking alive again!

The embalmer’s work is almost done and soon you will be a mummy. All you need now are your wrappings. It will take 15 days to wrap you up and you will need 20 layers of linen bandages. If you are sensible, you will have been saving linen for the whole of your life.

Different bandagers work in different ways – some prefer to start with the head and work their way down the body. Resin is used to glue the bandages together. Once completely wrapped in bandages, you are wrapped in two special large shrouds secured with linen strips.Your body is bound for the tomb, but there are a range of 'accessories' that every good mummy needs to make an impression in the afterlife.

Like most ancient Egyptians, you will have saved linen throughout your life to use as mummification bandages.

Various tools and surgical instruments will be needed to clean out your body and remove certain organs

This will be used to dry out your body once the organs have been removed.

Your freshly scrubbed body is required, along with all the necessary priests and their assistants.

Perfumes and oils will make your skin smooth and sweet smelling.


You will need a priest to act as chief embalmer. He should wear a mask of Anubis, god of embalming.Special containers are need to store your organs. Your liver, lungs, stomach and intestines are removed through the incision in your stomach and stored in canopic jars. Your body is washed out with palm wine and will now be soaked in natron for forty days to dry it out. After forty days remove from the natron and check that there is no moisture left in them. If the intestines are completely dried, they are ready to be wrapped in linen.

The organ can now be placed in its canopic jar. Ideally, the lid should fit tightly. Canopic jars are used for storing the organs. Each jar is protected by one of the four sons of the god Horus and the lid of each jar is in the shape of its protector god's head. The canopic jars are placed in a specially made box called a canopic cheast. This will be stored in your tomb and should be placed as near to you as possible. Your intestines are kept in the jar which has a falcon head of the god Qebehseneuf. Your lungs are stored in the jar protected by the god Happy, who has the head of a baboon. Your liver will be stored in a jar with the human head of the god Imsety on it. Your stomach is placed in the jar with the jackal head of the god Duamutef on it. After forty days in natron your body is completely dried out. Your skin is shrivelled and wrinkled and you look like a piece of old leather. You really need help now, so it’s off to the per nefer, the ‘beautiful house’.First your skin will be rubbed with oils to make it softer. Then the empty space where your organs were is filled with sawdust, rags and chaff.


The most familiar mummies, of course, are the carefully wrapped bodies of ancient Egypt. These figures are only one subsection of the world's mummy population, however. In the past 200 years, scientists, adventurers and capitalists have discovered ancient mummies in diverse locales all around the world.







Saturday, July 5, 2008




-An Analysis of networking systems Implementation using Universal Serial Bus.

A Flash Drive, a typical USB mass-storage device


Universal Serial Bus (USB) is a new personal computer (PC) interconnect that can support simultaneous attachment of multiple devices in which the wireless technology has been recently introduced. Human Interface Devices (HID) class device developers wish to provide wireless versions of their products and take advantage of the USB features. This paper presents an analysis of the issues related to implementing Universal Serial Bus (USB) without cables. In general the issues raised here apply to any single USB device that presents multiple devices to the system. The premise of this paper is that there should be no difference between a wireless and a wired device. The function of the Wireless USB is to provide transparent operation. This paper analyzes the requirements that a wireless device must meet to emulate a device to a USB host over a wireless link.


The Universal Serial Bus (USB), with one billion units in the installed base, is the most successful interface in PC history. Wireless USB will build on the success of wired USB, bringing USB technology into the wireless future. Usage will be targeted at PCs and PC peripherals, consumer electronics and mobile devices. To maintain the same usage and architecture as wired USB, the Wireless USB specification is being defined as a high-speed host-to device connection. This will enable an easy migration path for today’s wired USB solutions.

Each of these portable devices has a need to connect to other devices such as PCs or stationary consumer electronics products, such as stereos, HDTVs, video recorders, entertainment PCs, or the like. All these devices would benefit from the ability to connect without cables. Think, for instance, about the number of devices in your home and the tangle of wires between them. Wireless USB would eliminate these wires and enable devices to wirelessly connect to each other.


Imagine if all the devices in a home or office -- such as printer, scanner, external hard drive, and digital camera -- could be connected to your PC without any wires. Imagine if all the components for an entire home entertainment center could be set up and connected without a single wire. Imagine if digital pictures could be transferred to a photo printer for instant printing without the need for a cable. These are just some of the possible scenarios for high-speed wireless USB (WUSB) connectivity, the latest technology developed to bring even greater convenience and mobility to devices.

With the growing use of digital media in the PC, consumer electronic (CE) and mobile communication environments, a common standard interconnect is needed to support the on-going convergence of these environments. Universal serial bus (USB) technology has been a popular connection type for PCs and it's migrating into consumer electronic (CE) and mobile devices. Now this high-speed and effective connection interface is unwiring to provide the functionality of wired USB without the burden of cables.

WIRELESS USB- An analysis:

Wireless USB is the new wireless extension to USB that combines the speed and security of wired technology with the ease-of-use of wireless technology. Wireless connectivity has enabled a mobile lifestyle filled with conveniences for mobile computing users. Wireless USB will support robust high-speed wireless connectivity by utilizing the common Wireless Media MB-OFDM Ultra-wideband (UWB) radio platform.

For the past decades, connection between the host and other devices is a critical issue.Introduction of wireless USB (W-USB) generates lots of excitement within the UWB community. The good news is that the process on the W-USB is very simple. When wireless USB is shipped on PCs, it will motivate everyone to do the same on other devices. We expect wireless USB functionality will then penetrate the CE [consumer electronics] market. Since there is no such thing as 'wireless electricity,' alternative power sources such as batteries must be considered. Granted, wireless USB is low power and rechargeable batteries are great, but still their presence must be factored in.

· Wireless USB is the first high-speed wireless personal interconnect technology to meet the needs of multimedia consumer electronics, PC peripherals, and mobile devices.

· Wireless USB will preserve the functionality of wired USB while also unwiring the cable connection and providing enhanced support for streaming media CE
devices and peripherals.

Wireless USB protocol is the Micro-scheduled Management Commands which are used to help devices discover information about a Wireless USB cluster.

Technology Requirements:


The fundamental relationship in Wireless USB is the “hub and spoke” topology. The host initiates all the data traffic among the devices connected to it, allotting time slots and data bandwidth to each device connected. These relationships are referred to as clusters. The connections are point-to-point and directed between the Wireless USB host and Wireless USB device. The main difference here from wired USB case is that there are no hubs present in the connection topology. The Wireless USB host can logically connect to a maximum of 127 Wireless USB devices. Wireless USB clusters co-exist within an overlapping spatial environment with minimum interference, thus allowing for a number of other Wireless USB clusters to be present within the same radio cell. In addition to providing wireless connectivity, Wireless USB will be backward compatible with wired USB and provide bridging to wired USB devices and hosts. A method will be required to enable the exchange of data between clusters or devices not related to the same host. This method may be a second-level connection between two hosts (i.e., a network) or some method of transferring data between two clusters not managed by the same host. The star topology of Wireless USB is conceptually simple while the topology of wired USB device can be a chaotic hierarchy with multiple links of differing speeds.


Wireless USB technology will support the following attributes:

 Simple, low-cost implementation. The implementation will follow the wired USB connectivity models as closely as possible to reduce development time and to preserve the low-cost, ease-of-use model which has become pervasive in the PC industry.

 A point-to-point connection topology supporting up to 127 devices that follows a similar host-to-device architecture as used for wired USB.

 High spatial capacity in small areas to enable multiple devices access to high bandwidth concurrently. Multiple channel activities will be able to occur within a given area. The topology will also support multiple clusters in the same area. The number of clusters to be supported is yet to be determined.

 A dual-role model where a device can also provide limited host capabilities. This model would allow mobile devices to access services with a central host supporting the services (i.e., printers and viewers). It would also allow devices to access data outside a cluster they are connected to by creating a second cluster as a limited host.


Wireless USB performance at launch will provide adequate bandwidth to meet the requirements of a typical user experience with wired connections. The 480 Mbps initial target bandwidth is comparable to the current wired Hi-Speed USB standard. With 480 Mbps as the initial target, the Wireless USB specification will allow for generation steps of data throughput. As the Ultra-Wideband (UWB) radio Wireless USB is based on evolves and future process technologies take shape, bandwidth could exceed 1 Gbps. The specification intends for Wireless USB to operate as a wire replacement with targeted usage models for cluster connectivity to the host and device-to-device connectivity at less than 10 meters. Wireless USB performance is targeted at 480 Mbps at 3 meters and 110 Mbps at 10 meters.

Power Management:

“WUSB supports a variety of power modes

New in Wireless USB is a sophisticated power management scheme designed to maximize battery life. This power management scheme is totally transparent to users of wireless USB devices. WUSB devices can be placed in suspend mode and still retain the ability to wakeup the system. Radio system power (power used only by the radio) will be expected to meet the most stringent requirements, particularly where mobile and handheld battery life is important. A typical PDA uses between 250-400 mW without a radio connection. Cellular phones typically use 200-300 mW with the primary WAN radio. Adding a Wireless USB radio should not increase power requirements such that battery life would be reduced more than by existing wireless technologies employed today. Battery-powered operation requires reasonable battery life – 3 to 5 days for highly mobile devices and several months for intermittently used devices like remote controls. Wireless USB based on MultiBand OFDM Alliance (MBOA) radio will strive to meet this standard. The power target for Wireless USB radio will be less than 300 mW at introduction and drive to a target of 100 mW over time. Creative power management techniques will be used to preserve battery life. The radio, for instance, will sleep when possible and wake upon request. Power will also be conserved by stopping power-draining operations during idle periods.

Backward Compatibility:

Wireless USB is backward compatible to wired USB devices. When connecting, a Wireless USB-enabled host and devices will go through a series of verification steps. For example, the device and host will request, receive and check each other's unique identifications, and then challenge each other with connection keys. If the host and device satisfy each other's challenges, they will establish a session key that is private for that connection.

People may have several options about activating a connection. For example, to upload pictures from their camera to their PC, users could press a button on the camera, which would then connect to the host. The Wireless USB connection between device and host could be automatic. If a switched-on device is within range of the host, it will alert the user, asking if they want to connect

Ease of Use:
Like traditional USB, Wireless USB is simple to install and set up, with the additional ease that comes with a cable-free environment.

Office/Business Usage Scenarios:

Connectivity issues and other inconveniences of wired connections can hurt productivity and slow the adoption of new devices within the work environment. Users of mobile computers and PDAs particularly face connection challenges as they move from place to place and want to use printers and other devices. Wireless USB could simplify their lives while providing a time-saving, high-speed connection that enhances productivity . In this section, we give some typical scenarios of how Wireless USB could enhance connectivity in the office.

Dedicated Office Services:

Executives, managers and heavy users need faster, dedicated services their office rather than those shared on the network. With Wireless USB, devices such as inkjet and laser printers, scanners, external storage devices, and PC cameras can quickly connect and exchange data at high speed. Top Wireless USB uses will probably include simultaneous and frequent-use mass storage for data backup, printer connectivity, scanner connectivity, and PDA or cell phone synchronization.

Printing to Enterprise Printer:

For office workers that are very mobile and frequent different areas of an enterprise, the option of easily printing from a mobile platform (notebook PC, PDA, cell phone, etc.)

Office A:

Removal of the docking station and all associated cables – connect to a keyboard, mouse

and monitor wirelessly, as well as to a scanner, HDD, etc.

Office B:

Business professionals that need faster and dedicated services in their office. Likely devices are printers, scanners, mass storage, keyboard, mouse and PC cameras Easily print from mobile platform (mobile PC, PDA, mobile phone) to the nearest printer or multi-function device is very attractive. With Wireless USB, a worker could simply approach the nearest printer or multi-function device and print the needed documents. This would alleviate many of the inconveniences today in finding a printer on a network

and connecting to it.

Synchronizing a PDA with a Network:

In industries such as medical, manufacturing and retail where mobile devices are becoming pervasive having wireless data synchronization ability would allow users to quickly sync with a central computer to update the information in corporate database. Wireless USB, for example, could enable medical professionals making rounds to take notes and collect data on patients via handheld or PC tablet, and then quickly sync with the network to access additional patient data/history and treatment plans.

Sharing of Peripheral Devices:

Wireless USB will enable colleagues to more easily share devices and use each other’s devices within an office environment. Easy sharing of scanners, printers, storage devices, and other possible peripherals would be possible. Exchanging large files off hard disk drives without sending them through e-mail or over the network would be possible.

Dual-role Devices:

A new class of Wireless USB dual-role devices is projected to eliminate wires in many usage scenarios and enable new uses not previously possible. These devices will offer both limited host and device capabilities, similar to that experienced with USB On-The-Go. (USB OTG is the wired USB specification defining dual-role devices which can act as either hosts or peripherals, and can connect to PCs or other portable devices through the same connector.) shows some dual-role device usage scenarios. More detailed descriptions of various scenarios are also provided.

Camera to Printer:

Wireless USB could enable people to wirelessly download and print digital photos to a color printer. Imagine taking Transfer digital photos from camera directly to printer Transfer raw video directly to DVDs Transfer video content to PVP for viewing while on the road Play music (MP3s) directly to speaker system in any room

Transfer data from PC to mobile phone, such as calendar, contacts, music, photos, etc. Connect PDAs to mass storage devices such as: HDD, CD-RWs, DVD-RW, Flash card readers, etc.

Digital Camcorder to Digital Display:

Instead of having to run a cable from your digital camcorder to the video and audio ports of a display device, Wireless USB would enable you to connect without wires. You could instantly share your video with friends and family.

MP3 Player to Wireless Speakers:

Many people already carry their music wherever they go. Imagine being able to connect to high quality surround sound speakers wherever you are. With Wireless USB, you could forget cables. Just hit play and listen.

Digital Content Transfer to Personal Video Player:

Wireless USB would enable hours of content to be transferred in minutes from a personal video recorder or set top box to a personal video player. You could catch up on the morning news, a movie or sitcoms wherever the day takes you.


The wireless future will truly arrive once Wireless USB, along with the Common Ultra-Wideband Platform, becomes a standard part of every processor and chipset, integrated in CMOS silicon. The goal is for Wireless USB to become the wireless interconnect of choice for desktop and mobile PCs, handheld, mobile, and consumer electronic devices, allowing easy connection and data exchange at high

speeds without wires.


As the latest iteration of USB technology, wireless USB (WUSB) will offer the same functionality as standard wired USB devices but without the cabling. The new Wireless USB Promoter Group prepares to develop the specifications that will help standardize the technology, the industry is planning products that can take advantage of the convenience and mobility that this new device interconnect will offer.


“principle of communication systems” – William Edward hayth ,Churchill R.V.

“extremelyusb”- M.J.Augenstein ,A.M.Tenebaum.